Episode 1: Jaunts
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Welcome to the first episode of the DFB Podcast!
In this episode we discuss escaping the parks for a great lunch, answer a few reader questions, and share our first DFB Podcast trivia question!
Restaurants mentioned:
Trail’s End Restaurant
Grand Floridian Cafe
Crew’s Cup Lounge
Captain’s Grille
The Fountain
Storytellers Cafe
Reader questions:
1. Is it possible to make an advance dining reservation just for dessert?
2. Is the new credit card guarantee and cancellation policy just for character and signature restaurants?
3. What’s your favorite Earl of Sandwich sandwich?
Thanks for listening!! Please rate and review the podcast on iTunes, and leave your comments right here!
About the Picture: This chocolate Mickey is the centerpiece of a sampler dessert at Disney World’s Grand Floridian Cafe, one of our recommended lunch spots!
Love the new podcast! So much info! I must add Hearthstone Lounge in the Grand Californian as a great DL & DCA escape. Best cheese platter in the parks and great drinks too!
Finally! So glad that we have the DFB Podcast up! You guys are going to do a great job! I can’t wait to get my Disney Dining information from you all! Thanks for all of your efforts!
My choice for a low key lunch would be Capt. Cooks at the Poly. They have the best pulled pork sandwich. Topped with an delicious slaw! WOW I loved it! Also you can get a DOLE WHIP!!! Love the podcast Keep up the great work!!
Heather — Thanks!! Yes, I wish we’d have mentioned Hearthstone or maybe Tortilla Jo’s!
Great suggestion! And I need to get my hands on that cheese platter.
Mike — Thank you SO much for the great welcome to the podcasting community! It’s an honor to have you listening! (Feedback and suggestions MUCH welcomed!)
Ian — Ooh, awesome idea!!! I love Capt. Cooks. And anywhere I can beat the crowds to get a dole whip is definitely on my list!
Awesome! So glad you mentioned The Trail’s End.
What a great and fun show! Subscribing in iTunes now…
Candace — Thanks!! Yes, we LOVE Trail’s End.
Janna — Thank you, my friend!!!
Great podcast! This a nice compliment to the food blog. Thanks!
Thanks Shelly!! Much obliged!
So glad my absolutely favorite Disney blog has its own podcast, now! Great job!
Hey, thanks, Courtney!
Congrats on the new podcast AJ!
Thanks, Sara! Would love any feedback from your experience!
Captain’s Grille for dinner is really good! We had dinner there in November that was out of this world. I got the brined rosemary pork chop, and it was so juicy and delicious! I love that it’s quiet there and I can usually decide at the last minute to eat there and get a table.
Wishing you the best of luck with the new podcast AJ!
PS – enjoyed the podcast! There’s nothing I like better than food at Disney! I’ve had good and bad meals! A couple of not-so-stellar experiences at California Grill were negated by a recent visit that was completely delicious!
Can’t wait to hear what you have for us in the future!
Christa — Yes, Captain’s Grille is definitely a great go-to!! Thanks for the kind words about the podcast!
Great job AJ and Brad!
Thanks JoAnn!!!!
Congratulations! Sounds great. Looking forward to meeting you next week at #FBFOrl. We’ve been doing the Pee Dee [Regional] Food Show in South Carolina since October. Podcasts are a whole lot of fun.
What a fun show! Great job, AJ and Brad! subscribing now!
Especially enjoyed the readers question, about making a reservation just for dessert –works for me
Looking forward to more !
Aloha AJ,
Congrats on your new podcast. You and Brad have great chemistry! It is so funny that you and I had drinks and lunch at two of your favorite places (Crew’s Cup Lounge & Captain’s Grille) I realy enjoyed your show and I cant wait for more!
A Hui Ho,
Mark Hickson
Pee Dee Foodie — Thanks! Looking forward to meeting you!
Lynne — Thank you so much!!
Steve — Thanks Steve! Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Mark — Mahalo! Hope we get to eat around the world again sometime soon (or maybe in Hawai’i!)
Great show Brad and AJ!! Like the professional style and love that it’s a short podcast so I can listen in one sitting!! Looking forward to more shows
My two favorite Disney websites (disneyfoodblog and wdwforgrownups)represented in this podcast – yea! I started listening and realized at the end that you guys were answering a question that was submitted by ME! Thank you so much for the answer. I really enjoyed the podcast! Can’t wait for the next…
Yay for the podcast! I love the blog..so I’m subscribing on iTunes now!
AJ, How will we know when a new podcast is available? I get emails from other podcasts, so will you be including that in your emails with the DFB info? I haven’t listened yet, but I am going to yet today! Can’t wait!
I just checked out the podcast and I was in total agreement. I LOVE the chicken and waffles – the only problem is it will immediately bring about – naptime..which means getting over to the poly and grabbing a hammock (but then I would be well positioned for some Dole Whip later…). How exciting! I look forward to listening in the future!
Emma — Muchos thanks, my friend!! Good feedback on the length!
Pam — That’s awesome!!
Jill — Thank you so much for the subscription!
Jodi — We’re workin’ on it! The podcast news will be posted on DFB, so if you get DFB emails you’ll get notified; but we’re also working on an email system just for the podcast.
Karen — Ha ha! So true! Naptime is a must after those chicken and waffles! Love the idea of positioning yourself for a dole whip later! 😉
Awesome first show AJ! Great info and just think endless subject matter! Downloaded in iTunes tonight can’t wait for more episodes!
Thank you, Dennis!!
Loved the first podcast! It got me thinking of a different place to go with my mom for lunch in September. I think she would love the Fountain & it would be a way to check out the Dolphin while we’re there. Thanks for all the suggestions!
AJ and Brad,
Mary Ann and I have added you to our morning Disney Podcast listening downloads and we loved Podcast Number 1 at Sunday breakfast. What makes this even better are having hosts of two of my favorite Disney Blogs sharing with the rest of us. Food is a key part of every Disney vacation and the DFB has never steered us wrong. I’ll also write up a post and other social media announcements to help get the word out.
One question for you… why the Oklahoma music pad?
What an awesome show! I’m so looking forward to more episodes. Funny, informative, and mouthwatering…yum! Thank you!
I think the great point about these jaunts, especially for those who aren’t familiar with the non park restaurants, is that you can get away from the park crowds for a more leisurely lunch. In addition to the ESPN club, the Big River Brewery on the boardwalk is great and never crowded until dinner time.
Congrats on this nice expansion of the DFB brand. Oklahoma?
Melanie — Great idea to visit the Fountain with your mom! And Fresh is right next door if that one appeals to her more.
Bruce — Thank you so much! It’s an honor to be added to your podcast listening schedule! And we appreciate any additional promo we can get, that’s for certain. Oklahoma was used because — if you listen very carefully on Main Street USA — you’ll hear several tunes inspired by (or straight from) Oklahoma! since the loop is a compilation of songs reminiscent of the turn of the last century.
Sandy — Much obliged!! Thanks for the savory feedback!
Alan — That’s exactly what we thought, and we were exited to share that tip since we think it will make so many park touring days more pleasant! 😉 As I mentioned to Bruce above, Oklahoma was used because — if you listen very carefully on Main Street USA — you’ll hear several tunes inspired by (or straight from) Oklahoma! since the Main Street USA Music loop is a compilation of songs reminiscent of the turn of the last century.
Awesome first show guys. I cannot wait to hear episode #2!
Thanks, Joey!
Loved it! I hope this becomes a weekly thing. I need to feed my Disney addiction….lol.
Welcome to the Podcast. Golly, I sure enjoyed it!
I agree with what you implied about transportation from the MK. Both of you said to take the boat. Around lunch I’ve always found that you can usually get on the next one, it’s not too crowded, and a relaxing and quick way to get to most of the hotels (I think it’s faster to walk to the Contemporary).
Oh, right. Food. My choice for a quick jaunt is a 4:00 trip to tea at the Grand Floridian. It opens at 2:00, which is perfect for a late lunch, and the last seating is at 5:00, ideal for an early dinner. The service is just ok, but the food is enough for a meal. It’s light, but filling. Some people might need to have a desert at the park as the night wears on, however these are the tough sacrifices one must make when they have an early lunch. Cold cucumber finger sandwiches are perfect for a hot day at the park.
Ok, technical point about the podcast. Some of the fade outs on the bumper tracks were a little abrupt. That’s all. Good show.
Amy — Thank you!! Probably every two weeks to start, but maybe we’ll get better at it and can do it more often!
GG — Ha ha! I love the “golly!” Great suggestion on tea at the GF for a late lunch/early dinner. And thanks for the tech point; we heard that, too. Will work on fixing!
So glad you guys did this. I really enjoyed the podcast and am looking forward to more.
Congrats to you guys to getting this off the ground. You both must have more than 24 hours in your day to get all you do finished.
THanks Mark!! I wish I had more hours!
Hey Guys! Great first podcast. I was listening all the way from Scotland. Can’t wait for more…..
Woohoo!! I finally had a chance to sit and listen and I’m hooked! Congrats, AJ, on launching this podcast. Looking forward to many, many more!
And I couldn’t agree more re Storyteller’s Cafe and Naples at Disneyland. Naples is one of our favorite Disney restaurants EVER!!
Great first podcast! I was trying oh so very hard not to sing along to your Oklahoma! music bed, and enjoyed the idea of the “jaunt” outside of the parks for lunch, but I’d love to have a couple new places to try for lunch *inside* each park. Maybe that would be a topic for a future podcast?
Emma — Thank you so much!
Shayne — Yay!! So glad you agree on our Disneyland picks!
BJ — Please, sing along!
Will take the suggestion for a future podcast, for sure! We plan on covering each park individually!
Really enjoyed the first podcast as did my 8 year old daughter! After listening, she asked me what my “perfect” Disney meal would be? I thought it was a fun question and we had a good time creating our favorite Disney dining experience.
To add to the dessert only question. I know the Animal Kingdom Lodge has the Zebra domes desserts available on the room service menu….but for what they cost it would be cheaper to pay the dinner price at Boma’s and eat dinner too.
Nice job AJ and Brad! I loved Trails End for lunch as well and I’ll have to try the GF Cafe one of these days.
I know you’re avoiding buses, but Sanaa at Animal Kingdom Lodge offers a great escape from the Animal Kingdom, a really good lunch and relaxing spot (with animals right out the window!). And it’s a shorter bus ride than the boat ride to Trail’s End.
Anxiously awaiting episode 2! Great job!
Kristin — Wow; that’s awesome! I’m so glad you guys got to share such a fun question!
Kristen — Good catch! Thanks!
Doris — Thank you!!
Sherri — Yes; we love Sanaa!
Marnie — Yay!! Thank you!
Wow! So much yummy info! I listen to many Disney podcasts and yours is the cherry on top (yeah, this goes along with your theme of food)! I look forward to hearing more and making notes for my yearly trips.
Thanks, Kim!! Have fun on your upcoming trips!
I reviewed this wonderful new podcast.
I hope this does real well, so I can keep on listening
So happy I found your podcast. Great info with lively dialogue…funny too (emphasis on bars)! I will make a trek to Trader Sams, Naples, and Storytellers Cafe on my trip to DL. Your DFB website is a great resource and now with the podcast you made it that much better. Thanks!
Mike — Thanks!!
Jon — I appreciate the kind words! Thank you for reading and listening!!
We’re glad you think we’re funny. We’re trying! 😉
Listened to all three episodes today! Great! Congrats on this AJ! Love you and Brad together! Looking forward to more!!
Love the website, love the podcast too! Can’t wait for more episodes! Roll on May 2013 and my next trip to WDW -thanks to you guys I have SO many new treats, drinks and meals to try – thank you!
Absolutely fantastic, you guys sound great together!!!
Kris B — Awesome!! Thank you so much!
Lynn — Thank you! Can’t wait to hear about your trip!
Lucy — That’s so kind of you! Thanks for the note here and over on facebook!
I just discovered your podcast. I like the concept and look forward to many episodes.
Have to disagree about Storytellers on this episode. To me, it’s Denny’s / Coco’s quality food for double the price (even with the cornbread). The dinner buffet is just meh. Service is usually lousy too.
Trader Sam’s is a great pick. You can also sit outside and enjoy the sunshine with your pupu platter.
Whitewater Snacks or Ralph Brennan’s Express are two other good options for lunch jaunts.